Covid-19 Update
At Mon Ami, we continue to work with all government guidelines and advice regarding Covid-19 and we are doing all that we can to ensure that everyone remains as safe and well as possible. Despite the loosening of government restrictions, we are still implementing certain control measures to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 in our settings. We continue to ask parents to drop off and collect children at the door and staff are advised to wear face coverings in high-traffic areas throughout our nurseries. Frequent and thorough hand cleaning is encouraged and the 'catch it, bin it, kill it' approach continues to be of great importance. We also continue to implement an appropriate cleaning routine, focusing particularly on frequently touched surfaces. Visitors to the setting when children are in attendance are restricted to those that are essential only. Show rounds for new families wishing to view our settings have been and continue to be held after 6pm, once all staff and children have gone home.
As part of the government's Covid-19 response, the guidance for childcare settings has changed in line with the rest of the country. Children with mild respiratory symptoms including runny nose or slight sore throat, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend. It is no longer advised that children and young people are tested for Covid-19 unless recommended by a health professional. If a child or young person receives a positive Covid-19 test result, they are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days after taking the test. After 3 days, if the child does not have a high temperature or other Covid-19 symptoms, the risk of transmission is considerably lower and they can return to nursery. Any further changes or restrictions that come into force will be communicated to all families and staff via email as quickly as possible.