10 August 2016

Our nurseries have caught Olympic fever!

The children have brought along their sports kits and sponsorship forms which they’ve filled out at home. Before 9am this morning, the Swineshead nursey had already raised over £100 which is a fantastic effort! All of the funds raised will go towards the British Heart Foundation’s vital work with a percentage of the total being returned to us at Mon Ami to help fund our sporting activities, ensuring our children stay fit and healthy throughout the year!

The day will be centered around teaching the children about the best ways to improve heart health through fun, activity-based play. We will also be discussing the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after physical activity. 

Our staff have arranged for as many of the children as possible to take part in our homemade games to make use of their balancing skills and team building abilities.

They will compete in races and even play games such as musical bumps and ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and the lucky winners will be awarded with a sticker medal.  

Be sure to ‘like’ us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep up-to-date with the action!
